Side Projects

100% Test Coverage

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Some software developers like testing, others try to avoid it. I use it since the year 2000 in different ways. Test Driven Development seems to work best for me. It gives me a clear goal and I know when I finished a peace of softeware. But I often encounter discussions at work where developers use testing as a currency and try to bargain with the product owner: "If you want to have the feature by the end of next week I can only have 20% test coverage."

I see high test coverage as an integral part of good software and not something optional. So I decided to take it to the next level. Is it possible to have 100% test coverage all the time.


We need some definitions first. What do I mean when I use the words "test" and "coverage" and "all the time" and "100%"?

Software can be tested with unit tests, integration tests and some other forms of tests. It turned out that the best way for my project is a mixture of unit tests and system test. Then I tried to cover every requirement and every line of code with at least one test. This is my definition of 100%. And I am not allowed to commit my changes until I reached my desired test coverage.

Select a project

Excursion - I chose to implement a machine communication protocol from the semiconductor industry. It's called SECS/GEM. This protocol is well-defined by several standard documents for many decades. Don't worry if you have never heard of this before. It is not important to understand the rest of this article.


I used C# and Visual Studio for Mac for the implementation. The packages xUnit and FluentAssertions where used for the tests. The test coverage was measured using coverlet.collector. This package generates just one number for the test coverage of my project. This is exactly what I needed. And I used the pacages SimpleTCP and Stateless to make my implementation easier.

test coverage


I know the project that I chose very well. So I was able to skip the investigation to make myself familliar with the topic. The first step was to break the whole work down into smaller pieces. Every piece should take about 2 to 6 hours to implement. This size is usable for me because I do it as a side project. I can spend 2 hours in the evening during the week and probably up to 6 hours during a weekend. Then I prioritized the small tasks and created a new repository on GitHub. Then I implemented the software according to my priority list. After one task was finished I reviewed my plan and made adjustments.


Summary: It is possible to achieve and maintain 100% test coverage with the setup that I chose. Here is a list of things that I learned during the implementation.

Final Thoughts

The most important requirement to work with 100% test coverage is the commitment of all people who are involved. Especially the software developers need to see the tests as a value, not a burden.